Thursday, May 16, 2013

My trip to langkawi

The very first class trip turns out tO be the trip to langkawi. The very best duty free place to get cheap ciggy and booze. And thats what i like about thag place. So a hitch on the bus which move at 11am and the bus thag im in is full of kirs tuds chicks. Of cours with my lecturer and some guy friends. This is due to the overloading in the dudes bus as well as the chicks bus. So the third bus that im is this. So the journey will be started with a bus ride to kuala perlis port and we're gonna hitch up a ferry to the island. And we've finally reached kuala perlis at 1om and luckily he weather aint really that warn. Thank God for the beautiful weather. Oh yeah.
As we waiting for the ferry, the crowd of laughter and giggle from our faces really shown throughout the world. Things are really good to see the way
How we spend time and fun through our laughter.  the waiting for the ferry was not that tiring or boring but instead it feels like the time really passed by in a second. When the clock strikes at 3pm, a loud voice announce that a ferry wouls like to depart and all of us gush in for the seat and it turn out to be really compact in it. But with the high agility and dexterity within us, in a quick second everything turn out to be settled with the seats. Finally, after a tiring ferry ride we reach the island and hello langkawi in the heart. The next plan was to head to the motel which we're gonna stay in and 3 busses were used in the trip. The weather turns out to be gloomy and drizzle which calms out the mood for everyone. At the end when we reach the motel, things were being settled down and enjoying the night. Although it was a tiring moment for everyone but it was all fun and joy ahead.

Project management class

Another theoretical subject for this semester where i gotta keep on reading on and on about facta and such. And ita called project management. I hope she'll be going easy on me. Ngehhhh

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

My nora danish

I bet everyone knows eho the hell is nora danish. The very own hot pretty malaysian actress. But who cares abt tht. I got mt very own nora danish and she's my sweet beloved girlfriend. I love you baby. I dont know why the hell im talking abot nora danish here even. Maybe cause of this photo which makes her to look alike nora danish. Thats what i think. I dont give a fuck about what people think. I love you honey bunnyyyy

How lovely my gf

Its been so long that i didnt post anything in this blog. Oh well. What can i say. Getting lazzier and lazzier. But what i wanna say things out now is about my gf. A girl who is always been there for me all the time is my little sweet sarah . Shes the centre of my life and i love her. For real baby. Mwahxx i love you. And we've been dating for a year plus and im not getting sick in this relationship. Plus, its even getting more and more lovely. Just the way how we both want it to be. And may God bless our relationship as how it is right now.