Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Soon enuf. darn it

Shit man, the day for me getting my ass out from kuching is getting nearer and nearer. and I am sure im gonna be a total one ass emo freak. Imagine leaving behind all those guuudd guuddd food , and everything. friends and the enjoyment. DAMN. its gonna be so depressing. serious shit. but anyway , its gonna be the last semester for my diploma and i hope and pray to God that im gonna make it to the end and graduate in time. :D praise the Lord Jesus Christ Amen. hahahahah

Anyway , today's Wednesday and i wish i can spend my time more with my family and friends. :D well yeah , the check list that me and alan is doing is still ON. i guess. but what the hell with it, as long as we're enjoying ourselves this holiday, i guess it's good enuf for both of us. About my holiday, well it seems like im having fun every single day of it makin things fun for myself. well in fact , i really can't wait for the nex holiday to start which is on christmas where im gonna be back for a week. so kuchingggggggggggg peeepppssssss do prepare up for the come back kid. :D oh yeah. :D peace out.


  1. lepak ngan aku sikdapun lamak kau balit kuching tok. BULAK NA JUAK! HAHAHAHAHAH!

  2. sapa madah xda. ada lahhhhhhh. skati jakkkkkkkk
