Thursday, November 17, 2011


The sucky things is that i'll be trully missss all the good good food that can be found in kuching. DAMN kuching , the food is so dili cia so. Here i am at perlis and today's my first day here sinceeeeeeee the last semester. things turn out to be well OK for the house and everything. so yeah , hope it's gonna be like this way throughout the whole semester. THE LAST SEMESTER baby. hopefully. with God's guidance , am gonna do it right and give out my best in it. everything that's been through in kuching gonna be there at kuching. the fun the joyment , entertainment and everything , gonna make it happen here too. Just like to let you know , if you're in a boring situation , am gonna make it fun and all. :D so yeah . kuching , when it comes with the food , one thing pop in my mind is is is kolo mee! oh yeah man. kolo mee, trully legend. and it can be found anywhere at random chinese stalls. *which is non-halal*. Serious shit mannnnnnnn, the foodd in kuching , there's no other better ones. oh crap. am missing the smell and the tasty of it. kolok kolok kolok kolok. nang steady pok! HARUS eh for everyone to try out kolok mee. Besides that , it's worth it to order the special kolok mee in RED where the taukey usually ask "merah ka?" ahahaha.

 Joli bee kolo mee merah with perut babi add on RM4 *serve with crab soup*

Another thing which i'm gonna miss is butterpork kede gangster. nangggg harussss butterpork. semestinya. it's fried pork in butter serve with rice and chili kicap. apoooooooo. it completes everything for me with a teh o peng tagging along. serious shit. the juicy sweet butterpork taste so DAMN gud. the ones in kede gangster la i mean. altho it cost a lil bit too much which is Rm5.50 but who cares man. when it comes to pork , its really worth of buying. PORK man!! THE BEST mean ever. eva eva eva evaaaa for evaaa.

 Butter pork kede gangster RM5.50

So yeah , it's just not kolo mee and butter im gonna miss. there's lotsss of other food as well which it's a must for me tot take whenever im around kuching. They're laksa , kueh chap , cha kueh, butter prawn , butter chicken , pork satay , ba ku teh and gosh. MORE MORE MORE. :D

so yeah , If im around in kuching , apa gik , kasi spon please. :D

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