Thursday, November 10, 2011

walls magnum chocolate ice cream.

The day was freaking hot and yeahhhhhhh me and J was looking for a way to cool ourselves down. so we decided to curi air-con at spring. apakah curi air-con. like engkah lam baju , n then chow embak lari. haha.. apakah? hahaha. so we went there chill around and feel the coolness air. it was awesome for a hot sunny day. then to cooler down our body more , we got ourselves walls magnum chocolate ice-cream. it was niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

me : J? ice cream pa tok?
j : tok lah ice cream style. nyaman gila dow. try gak
me : worait. style laaaaa

 and then i took a bite and

me : yoobeh nyaman eh. gila. stud ku makan. MWAHAHAH
j : hahahah cilaka. HAHAHA.

so yeah, the creamy feeling of the chocolate flavour went down my throat and it was so epic awesome. seriously guys. walls magnum ice-cream. daa best. takiong spring. woohoo! :D 

terbaik punya magnum. kasi 4D klak.

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