Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sleep Punching

A sleepwalking is what ppl usually had in their sleep , but it turns out to be different for me last nite. The time was around 6 in the morning where i had this dream about some tambi dudes sniffing up glue in the toilet and i had to use the washroom due to nature calls. so to get those tambis out from the toilet , i banged the door , kicked and screamed and finally when they open up the door , a flash blast of a punch came out from my fist. The punch was like a blow to the face for one of them and when i woke up from my dream , it turn out that my fren who slept next to be receive the punching blow. HAHAHAH and it was so funny where we laugh and all thinking abt my ngigau. HAHAHAHA. :D then once i realize i had that sleep punching , we continue back our sleep and talked abt it the next morning. it was so hilarious. my my my oh my. :D

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