Sunday, March 18, 2012

preparing our gears

On a hot sunny day, as usual , we woke up super late which is at noon. sorry Jesus for not attending the morning mass today. we did pray and asked for guidance for tomorrow's exam and we love you as well.

The morning sleep was all OK , as quincy been telling me that i kept on punching him in the face while we're asleep. That's weird , cause there was no nightmare or any magically sweet dreams. oh my. but what the heck , thumbs up for quincy receiving free punches in the middle of the night. so the study group that we had was going well OK. cover up chapter 1 2 and 3 which are concrete beam , slab and column. Hopefully on what we're studying will come out for tomorrow's paper. wish us luck on that. my meal for today again. nasi lemak bilis telok and ayam. super delicious as i had it for a week in a row for my lunch. yummy yummy. together with coconut milk shake. oh yeah. stud abis. shiahhhhhh.

:D as for my love life for today, it turns out getting more n more exciting again and again. the love never fades n never shrink as we keep on things going by just texting and feel the love within. :D She's mine and i love her. the text that she send every single morning brightens up my day with a smile and it gives me the mood for the day. perfect i call it. :B ngeh ngeh ngeh. as usual , stalking up her page , blog  n tweet really makes me feels calm and gives a wide smile on the face. magic i call it. :D supernatural. an Oh Yeah feeling. add on with a thumbs up with a joyful heart. and that is why i love this wonderful girlfriend of mine Phylliz. back in the old days when bonds are just friends , a tambi friends of mine keep on asking and wondering who the hell is this girl that i kept on stalking around. but now , things are there and the answer is yes, she's my girl now. :D how cool is that? way to cool we came from a stranger , a friend , a bestie and a couple.

so , the very important things that i learn from last nite from her is to cut off the friendly, be a cool bf for her , keep on giving her smiley on the the face , and pump up the love in our hearts. Yay!

this is how happy i am. a big flabby tummy for everyone.

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