Wednesday, April 11, 2012

mind heart body and soul

The daily mind thinking of my brain is running wild this past few days. and i dont know im having this weird mind fuck. the daily wake up gives me an empty thoughts for my brain. and i dont even know why. maybe because of some problems ahead that i need to settle down with. cash flow problem? aint gonna solve it yet cause i really am running out of cash now. Ride problem? a big major big huge fucking problem that i dont even know how to solve. regardless of what im having in the present now , i feel relieve and calm for having my Sarah by my side. and I love her so much. my mind , heart body and soul is all im giving up for her. whenever im lost , sad, down, or fcuked up, she's there to lift me up and lighten up my days. and i love her for that. the memories that we share, brights up my day with all those daily smiles that came up from her. by just texting , on the phone, web camming and such , is way enuf giving me up the silly smiles.

wearing my blue cap is a big NO NO  for her as she says that i really looks like a 14 or 15 years old high school kid trying to be cool that can be categorized as a hipster. oh man. what the heck. i guess the cap have to GO GO then. rather than facing a NO NO from her. things turn out to be ok between us. just that things may be fcuked up a little in the meet up. but it's ok. we're trying our best to deal with it. To make sure things aint getting shitty or fcuked up, the trust and loyalty have to be maintain and keep up with the lovey things we have. I aint gonna let this Sarah go cause she's different from any other girls i've met. so yeah. a big big challenge for me to keep up in this relationship.

The morning text that i've been receiving from Sarah really can't resists to let it be there and get myself head back to my dreamland. a text from her is a must must must to reply. :D semangat habis. :D and that was when we're just texting. when we talk , the laughter and the smiles were all there shown up from ourselves. coming from the heart and it aint a fake ones. and hell i love her so much since the day we've been together. and now it's almost a month. the day im looking forward is the day when we meet up. can't can't wait for it to turn up

.her eyes.

Her pretty , round , and hugeee hugeeeee eyesssss which i can't takes my eyes off when im checking out her photos. thats just when it comes to photos, what else to say when we meet up. so yeah, the things that i've been looking forward is the meet up. dark round brownish eyes of hers. bena ka x , ku pun x tauk. pi nang steady la ur eyes dear. :D loving it. 

.her nose.

Her cute tiny little nose which can be caught in a flue and used to complain it all to me. naughty2 nose of her. and yeah , can't wait to give it a pinch. my my my my. really am looking forward in it ehhhhhh.. gilaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa babeng. 

.her lips.

Her wet sexy lips which i eager to kiss. bite perhaps. a soft one . and yeah. making making outtttt is a must . my my my . really miss you girl. :( 


The black tiny cutie pie mole on her neck really caught my eyes in the first place when checking out the photos in fB. and hell yeah , looks niceeeee and sexy. :D 

Dear Sarah
cecen really miss u
and he is trully deeply madly in love with ya.
and do keep in mind to answer the "love me not?" daily question.  

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