Friday, April 13, 2012

sucky it is. i know.

"distance,fuck you.again,fuck you and again,fuck fuck you."

i know it seems kinda hard and such and im sorry being making it harder for not being there physically on a meet up. but then do keep in mind that i love you no matter what it brings. any difficulties and such , can be put aside and solve it within time and chances. I do believe that we can make it stronger and ever better by just feel the love that lies within. sometimes i may feel that i'm a jerk which i feel that i really am where for not being the best boyfie or whatever for ya. but then still , am grateful to have you as my gf who being there for me every seconds and understands me. where the hell can i find any other girl in such a way i feel comfy and can talk in the way that we understand each other. So yeah , you're the best , the coolest , the champ , and also steady. *which i dont really know how to put steady in a term of a single superlative adjective*.  

Sometimes the distance may be a fcuked up thing. oh yes , I agree to with her that i would say FUCK you distance. but what the hell. seems like i can't really beat the hell crap out of it yet. YET. so yeah. a bit disappointing. oh well. i may be weak in this relationship but i do try my very best to make things better and better in a way to make you happy and also cherish all the love within your heart. so far , things are all running smooth. the jokes , the laughter and the smiles are there for us to enjoy every single day. that is what couple should do to each other right? The things that she always fail to make me smile is calling me sayang and saying the i love you. once she forgot to say it , i'll ask the daily question which she would have already know already. there's no need for me to say it out here over and over again. u got me rite? :D

I know that if things turn out to be sucky in a case we caught up into something, i do still believe that we can still solve things up no matter how fcuked up the situation is. the best thing about her is that whenever i talk and she's in silent, she would keep on smiling and say "agik agik agik agik!!!!". it really shows how cool she appreciate the feelings that i have towards her. kinda like a magnet. north and south. attracted to each other with a force of  a magnetic field surrounding it. in this thing that im having with her is something which i never encounter before. explain it edi to her why it's different that i hope that she remembers it. the last time we met was wayy wayy so long ago, and i can still picture the way she smile where we still being friends. and the common things to say when we used to meet back then was the word "bossssssss" . together with a smile.

But things are different now. calling each other dear , the saying of the 3 words , the damn panic attack, me being paranoid android and so much more. this is how i feel when im in love with this girl name sarah. Sarah potter she calls herself. That is because she's a potter freak. and i was kinda surprise to find out that she's a big psycho fan. :D anyway , thats her. and i love her no matter what. 

"i have a complex mind,go figure. :) and yes,i am happily in relationship with a guy name Dick Cheney"

I notice things where they are different things today and the next day , things turn out to be different. the changes, on how she feels , and how she would re-act about it. whenever she's saying things which gives me a chill , i know something went wrong. like last night. phew , luckily it wasnt bad. but then the side effect turns out to be sooooooo soooooooooooooo out of the way. And yeah , i feel her and i understands why she feels that way. my my . she's the beauty. and every single day  the love in between is getting stronger and stronger.

 i love you Sarah! smack you up if u skip your meal. do keep on with the healthy diet meal there.

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