Monday, February 11, 2013

a little things i wanna say abt my gf

i seriously don't really know what to blog about because it's a festive season of chinese new year, and im sitting at home all day long doing nothing for these past 2 days. and it's freaking boring. what do i got is my long distance gf who live at serian , and lappy. these 2 nang cukup edi to fill up the joy in my life.

what can i say abt my gf? lots of things to say actually. but first , introduction abt this post is that little missy sarah is a girl which gives everything to me to make things happen in between us. and that is why im so in love with her. i appreciate everything tht she had done for bringing things up and down in our relationship because it shows that how important this relationship to me. :( i dont wanna lose this shit. really dont wanna. if u ask badman and junker , they both agree that we both are mean for each other. me and sarah of course. not these 2 fat ass. hahaha. :D

so yeah , its been almost 11 months of relationship and we're gonna reach up to a year by the 14th of March this year. and thats a cool thing for us both. i know she's gonna be so happy and so joyful there. kept on nagging me this morning for waking up late and start off a conversation with a big hit news which occur in facebook and things are sooooo shining like a diamond. and sarah kept on nagging me for saying such annoying statement or phrases on and on. i know it annoys her but .. i can't help it. im sorry. :(

and yes, its been a greattt 11 months with uuuuuuuuuuuuu babyyyy!!! and it wont stopppp. don't u worry k. reduce the madness ya cause things might gonna get messy and spill. hihihi.

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