Thursday, March 20, 2014

laugh laugh laughhhh

for guys, there must be a moment when there is a girl who laughing out loud and turn out to be a boxer. a real boxer. with the punch and smacking. and guess who is the punching bag. i guess u know it. well, its a normal thing to face. but in reality, although female is a soft type of species, some may just hitting so hard with their full force from their biceps and triceps. the force of laughter that triggers. and again. the punching bag. is us. oh well. that's what guys are for. being hard solid rock punching bag.

the laughter starts from a smile. withing a milisecond, the smile turn out to be a wild roar of a lion/tiger/dragon/bear/pheonix or whatsoever. and the fangs are exposed.

ngeeemuahaha. and once the fangs are exposed, the small cute loving looking girl turns out to be a beast. the next step to maintain the ayu-ness is ... 

covering the fangs. this skill shows how cool things are being taken care and maintain the softness of a female species. in fact, while the other hand covering the fangs, the other hand started to smack, punchslap, or scratch us. 

it should be enough for that. but for an extremist, things might gonna get a lil more rough. and here it is. 


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