Thursday, November 10, 2011

hot sunny day

It's warm , sunny , bright and freaking hot today. it's like the hottestttt dayyy ever. Like whyyyy sun , being mean to us today. anyway, the plan was suppose to head to tengiling which actually called in'sil at matang for a swim and picnic. but it seems like the plan didn't work out because of some probs which relate to some personal prob and at the end , we turn out to be at semoba for fishing!

the best thing about semoba is that whenever we are there for fishing , we always got at least a single fish keli or patin. because it was so easy measy relaxing for them to eat up our secret bait. thx to jno who added up a secret ingredient into the bait. anyway , crappy things didn't work out like before and i have no idea.

The day was hot , and we didn't end up for a single fish. dang it was frustrating. but what the hell , even the thrill to reel up the rod was not there for us to enjoy. so yeah , what the hell. disappointed. anyway , the day end up with scary wind blowing which really shooked down all the tress around till one of the phone poles went down and block some of the b.kawa road. so yeah. the day end up cool wind blowing and raining. :D oh well. what a day. dang semoba. fish , pleaseeeeeeeeee.

semoba fish 1 - 0 jno, me , chill

sad emo Tan Sri



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