Thursday, November 10, 2011

It's ok tee

So , another boring day again we're having. to get rid of the boredom, we decided to do something really really offside which is making our own t-shirt. Like why? i dont know. for fun. :D well the idea was actually brought up by J long before when we created it's OK. so yeah we did it because it's a thing that we never ever try before. so for a start , we kick it in with a new blank tee and stuffs. the idea came in when i watch this movie on hbo where it's a movie about a band where they used blank tee and spray it out on stencils. so yeah it turn out to be superbly nice and it came in to my mind  , why the hell i can't do it if it looks that easy and nice? KAN? apalahhhhhhhhhhhh. anyway , so yeah , we decided to do it for "it's OK" and it turn out be OK. the hell? hahaha.

Chill with his artwork gorilla. mad mad gorilla.

 sexy J with shirt off. oh hell yeah. it's ok

materials that we got for out experiment ...
  • blank tee (mine white)
  • hard paper
  • black dye
  • red spray
  • red marker pen for fabric
At first i was having a thought that it's gonna be not that nice as expected because the way that we did it was not that simple. it looks really easy with the cutting and stuffs but actually it's not. it really needs patient and hard work which really drove us crazzzyyyyyyy and hell , spoil up the mood when it turn out shitty and not expected to be. oh well , let it be. the design that i did was a picture of a frog which i totally really into because of kernit the frog from sesame street. but of course , i didn't drew up kernet cause i really got to do it on my own for my design. xda mok pozer2. serious tok. :D HAHAHA

It took me few days to finish up the whole design because the first phase was the outline where i need to dry it up for the next design which i added. the dry up took the whole day as the dye was really thick and would fade off when u wash it up. so yeah , finally on the 3rd day , which is today , i had everything done except for some touch up which im gonna deal with it soon enough. but 2morrow , the shirt is gonna be put on. OH YEAH! it's ok

my half done froggy. it's ok

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