Tuesday, November 8, 2011

it's tuesday. Wrestling. :D

A simple Tuesday like usual just that i wanna talk a lil bitttt about my tuesday. Today. i mean , there's nothing special going on but yeah , TIRED. dang. woke up in the morning for laksa breakfast tepi sin teck. NANG STEADY. and then followed by the hair cut which totally turn me into something else, -according to my mom- and my dad was like -why look like that? doik roti-. and yeah , done with the hair cut , there's a shirt designing for it's OK at j's place.

the design that i made was a frog, which frens of mine relates me to which i don't know why. but hell yeah , froggy turn out cool for a tee which i made. and i can't wait for the 2nd stage of it. dang. done with the outline and the tag "it's OK" and it totally looks awesome! got me , AWESOME. hell tiring of a day. :D

oh hell yeah , tuesday doesn't just end here , well , besides all those crappy stuffs , i finally got my guitar which totally look brandnew. xda pa , just polist and restring jak bah! HAHAHA.

and why the heck the topic for this post is abt wrestling which i didn't mention it here? well it's because there's wrestling on tuesday night on channel 811. watch it. :D COOLIE muscular guys in undie wrestle themselves all around. :D oh yeah............... heck

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