Monday, November 7, 2011

dear new hair

So today is the day that we all got our hair cut. well it actually was planed to get it way before today , but then things got delayed and everything . so yeah. thx to churchill who delayed things so badly. hahaha. finally the new short hair is here. yay. my head feelssss so light and different. and i kinda looks like a retard! shit. maybe this haircut doesn't suit the shape of my head.

but what the hell , ain't give a shit about it. doesn't matter how ugly or what looks im having now , i am still gonna smile around like there's nothing to worry about. CRAP. :D

i mean , why do we have to look good anyway? kan? look good in the outside and shitty in the inside doesn't prove anything. so yeah. it's cool this way. i guess. well yeah. HELL YEAH. :D



  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Aku cuma nampakkk mask kt belakang yaa aieee.. STYLEEE! HAHAHAHAHHA!

  2. mwahahaha. style x bilit ku? messy ckit. kerja adik ku ya. HAHAHAHA. :D ignore the mask. :D

  3. apa kau sik pake ya time halloween ya aiee...? CUN! HAHAHAHAHAH! Salam ngan rambut mohawk!! :P

  4. Makin cuteee kau hoh cen, makin jatuh cinta aku, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH! Sebarangggggg jakkkk.. ilekkk jakkkk.. Plenteyyy jakkk bahhh! :D

  5. halloweeennn kuu tidooo jak kat rumah. xda kuar cne2. hHAHAHAHAhahaha. Kira plan mok gi halloween la tek ya. :D neda kin cute. skati jak. SEBARANGGGGGGG JAKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. sebarang. SEBARANG.

  6. yerrrr sik mok ngakuk dirik cuteee.. apakaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! HAHAHAHAH!
