Wednesday, February 22, 2012

work work work

Final exam is just around the corning and for this week , i got 3 papers of test and a presentation to deal with. which in fact, all of the test that im abt to seat in are the ones so called killer papers for engineering students. oh my oh my. still i got the time to play around and chill. but what the heck, hopefully i can make it this weekend.

and please do do do pray for me and wish me good luck cause i really really need it. :(

hate to say , this sucks.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Thank You Lord thank you Lord

A very big thank you to our beloved Lord Jesus Christ for helping me out on my muet speaking test where i suppose to seat for it on tuesday morning. With the late night sleep on monday, it really gave me the hard way on waking up for tuesday morning muet test. SHITNESS!!!! aahhhhhhh. and for today , the seats were all being taken as there were no more space for me to do my replacement speaking test. but be thankful to the Lord that it turn out that some of the candidates din turn up on the 11.30am session. so yah, buhhh yahhh, OMG OMGOMG THANK YOU LORD! hahahaha. if not burn laaaa rm100. HAHAHA.

so yeah , muet pun muet jwak . dpt dudok , tapi hancus. KASI SIJAK

Sleep Punching

A sleepwalking is what ppl usually had in their sleep , but it turns out to be different for me last nite. The time was around 6 in the morning where i had this dream about some tambi dudes sniffing up glue in the toilet and i had to use the washroom due to nature calls. so to get those tambis out from the toilet , i banged the door , kicked and screamed and finally when they open up the door , a flash blast of a punch came out from my fist. The punch was like a blow to the face for one of them and when i woke up from my dream , it turn out that my fren who slept next to be receive the punching blow. HAHAHAH and it was so funny where we laugh and all thinking abt my ngigau. HAHAHAHA. :D then once i realize i had that sleep punching , we continue back our sleep and talked abt it the next morning. it was so hilarious. my my my oh my. :D

Monday, February 20, 2012

who will be my fire to ignite~

a nice meaningful lyrics done by Oj law. that is why he is so awesome. :D

Monday, February 13, 2012

oh yeah shipping air crew

shipping air crew. da hell is that? well its just a random band name that i called out. turns out to be my own name of a band. HAHAHAHA. well hell yeah. its been years since im not in a band but now, its soooo legend.. wait for it.. waitttttttttt... DARY! woohoo!
so where was i? oh yeah, abt the band thingy. well its justa band which im in. nothing mush to talk around abt it. but yeah , feels the awesomeness that i got to play again since..... since sinceeeee sooooo freaking long. and it feels weird to pick up those gears and make those loud noise. what am i playing in it? uhhhhh. haahaha. am just the guitarist which still so not good at it. but it's a good thing tho where i can train myself and improve on the chords and everything. so hell yeah from me.
so we just done with a show where we turn out to be a guest band in some dinner for the investment course and we perform out very own track 3 and it was wicked. HAHAHA. but i guess it turn out to be lame. but still who gives a heck abt it, still very is wicked for me. :D SILLY SILLY SILLY little lilly. with some crazy ideas and all mixed up stuffs that i listen to every single day , am trying my best to create up new things to play on. currently there are only 4 tracks that we made and there's another 1 more to go on the way. how it sounds like? for me , its something sounds not that catchy but a lil bit of deftones and sonic youth to be added in that. loud noises and extream fun is what we're up to. hell with what people say abt us. "those guys sucks" or maybe "they're making fun out of themselves" or whatever. to those who said that , a middle finger is for u guys. HAHAHA. nahh nahh. well i dont care what ppl say. as long as im happy with what im doing , having fun is the right target im having here. huu huuuuu.

so again, nowdays been listening to weird music which i didn't even recognize such as dangue fever, submarines, B&S , de facto and more. oh my , they all sound awesomeeee and funny things is , its hard to find someone to enjoy this music with. they're gonna like "hey chen , whatcha listening to? can i hear some?" and i pass on my ear phone and they were like "uhhh uhhh what's this. ok sounds cool" and hand back the ear phone. haha. and i was wondering , in ur face shit head. :D hahahaha.

its not like everyoneeeee is having the same taste. thats what im talking abt here. anyway , back to the band, the aim for this month is to finish up all the tracks that we wrote , getting all the rhymes right , add on some touch up , and try to get a record for an ep or demo. hopefully things will work out and everything. and hell yeah, another up coming event is coming up in UiTm and we're gonna play our songs up right on the stage. so, hoefully things would turn out to be an OK for everything. :D

Sunday, February 5, 2012

its February

the time has passed and new things are ahead in front of us. so now it's February and i only got 2 more months to go till i finish with everything. this is the time when i say "finallyyyyyy the time is hereeee.. soon." and get over with this diploma. oh yeah. another phase of life is about to end. :D

well along with my life at perlis, Study the most important here, still. priority it to the max. and come along with my music. oh yeah. another weird and underground bands coming into my lappy this past few days. and now i turn out to be a Sonic Youth maniac. hell yeah with sonic youth. :D

Once we talk abt sonic youth, shoegaze is running in our heads as the sound of their music is really freaking loud that blows out our mind. and that is the thing that i really like abt this band which is getting things loud and make it explode in our head. :D well basically this band really makes my day whenever im in the down or up mood. so yeah

February turn out to be a one busy month for me as there's gonna be test project assignment quizes and everything. and it really sicken me where other things are in the way for me.

shipping air crew?

wha wha wha wha whaaattttt????