Saturday, March 31, 2012

a friend in need is a friend indeed

Gladly feels happy having all my friends around me. to all my companion in these war of diploma, a big thanks to everyone for giving me all the helps and care. I love u guys and wishing u all the best in life. Whenever im down, u guys will always be there for me. another thank you for u guys. The coolest friends i made from all around m'sia, way from sabah , till perlis, u guys are the best! :D

Sunday, March 18, 2012

this is how i feel today. :D

am gonna repost this shit cuz this is how i feel today. :D oh yay

preparing our gears

On a hot sunny day, as usual , we woke up super late which is at noon. sorry Jesus for not attending the morning mass today. we did pray and asked for guidance for tomorrow's exam and we love you as well.

The morning sleep was all OK , as quincy been telling me that i kept on punching him in the face while we're asleep. That's weird , cause there was no nightmare or any magically sweet dreams. oh my. but what the heck , thumbs up for quincy receiving free punches in the middle of the night. so the study group that we had was going well OK. cover up chapter 1 2 and 3 which are concrete beam , slab and column. Hopefully on what we're studying will come out for tomorrow's paper. wish us luck on that. my meal for today again. nasi lemak bilis telok and ayam. super delicious as i had it for a week in a row for my lunch. yummy yummy. together with coconut milk shake. oh yeah. stud abis. shiahhhhhh.

:D as for my love life for today, it turns out getting more n more exciting again and again. the love never fades n never shrink as we keep on things going by just texting and feel the love within. :D She's mine and i love her. the text that she send every single morning brightens up my day with a smile and it gives me the mood for the day. perfect i call it. :B ngeh ngeh ngeh. as usual , stalking up her page , blog  n tweet really makes me feels calm and gives a wide smile on the face. magic i call it. :D supernatural. an Oh Yeah feeling. add on with a thumbs up with a joyful heart. and that is why i love this wonderful girlfriend of mine Phylliz. back in the old days when bonds are just friends , a tambi friends of mine keep on asking and wondering who the hell is this girl that i kept on stalking around. but now , things are there and the answer is yes, she's my girl now. :D how cool is that? way to cool we came from a stranger , a friend , a bestie and a couple.

so , the very important things that i learn from last nite from her is to cut off the friendly, be a cool bf for her , keep on giving her smiley on the the face , and pump up the love in our hearts. Yay!

this is how happy i am. a big flabby tummy for everyone.

Friday, March 16, 2012

its her birthday today. wuuhuuu

living up the life of 23 years is not easy as how we think we are. challenges ahead with all the critics and memories. well , am very happy for a chick named Phylliz Zoe Sarah here for being 23 today! A happy birthday to ya girl! :D

the things we had are very much getting stronger and stronger from day 1 and i hope things are going on and on and ON. she's the one that lights up my day and keeping things right when things are not right. She's my super girl. and im loving it. loving her. and loving what we're having now. a kick start for a new chapter in our life.


again and again again again and againnnnnnn HAPPY BIRTHDAY PILIZ! :D

epic quotation for today
  •   "gla, smat la bju tok. hatyai, kau ada? xda!"
  • "and the pendrive thing! nang ku terkejut habis eh. caka kau oh.."
  • "sayang habis ku ngn kau tauk x? nang adgjkl, nemu dik?"
  • "i love you"

Thursday, March 15, 2012

hello thursday

it takes all kinds of weather
to bring us closer together
althogh we are apart
i still dream about u girl.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

youyouyouyouyou :B

it's been a while , its been so long its been forever. i really didn't see this one coming as it all out of sudden pops up and strikes me where the feelings came in naturally. :D and i really like that so so so much. She's the one that been there when i need someone , talk to me , and care for me. it was great being with her and i love her.

It all started with a text , a call , a chat and feelings. The main thing for sure is that i am happy to be around with her. all my probs and my feelings are being share which she really understands it all. again , another love for her. She's not the one who really thinks that im still a kid , being silly around , and all. she's the one who taking things up really serious and turn it into a good stuffs i call it. hahahaha. :D its kinda funny tho to think back cause we've known each other since high school and now we're actually dating. and how long was that? really really fucking long. a simple minded girl , vintage type which im so into , poetry , books and music. back in old days, all we did was smile to each other saying "hi" "op" or "bosssssssss". and now all of that changes.

with all those laugh and smile that we shared , really makes my day with the joy in the heart. the love she's been giving to me all these while were awesome and im looking forward of more in it. :D its kinda like having the best feeling and being on top of the world when you're in my position. can bet on that. :D There are some ground rules we gotta follow and one of it is not calling her "hot stuffs". hihihihihihihi. yg penting iboh manas. kaka doik doik klak. :D hahaha. my my my. so yeah , she's cool , she's pretty, she's cute and most of all , she's awesome. :D a book sniffer which i really dont really get the idea of doing so. a big harry potter fan. loves to tweet around and all. hihihihihi. well , am happy and i freaking loveeee yaaaa phylliz zoe sarah! :D

 am sorry for the curi of ur photo. really am sorry. boh manas ar. klak cepat tua klak. tp mun manas , manas kat phone ar. jgn nak emo2 ngn status. ok. love u darling. kiss kiss! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


for today's music, i'll be going for jj72. a great british band with a cool sexy hot chick on the bass. oh yeah. so here it goes , SNOW

bad bad night

really hate it when it is time for a night bed , your eyes tend to not to shut. really really effin hate it. shitness. mind keep running around thinking abt this and tht. n that was it abt last night. and speaking of which on what was i thinking, everything turns out messy. :D from studies to life to love to band to nowhere. am kinda embarrassing to talk things out, so i think i'll rather keep it up to myself. haha.

speaking of which , she turns out to be not mad. :D so im guessing, things are cool coolie cool. a smile for the day and that will make up for the day. With the miss on saying goodnight really makes it crazy for me. and why is that? i dont reallyyyyyyyyyyy knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.


good nute
good hute
good nite


cecen turns out to be a jerk


Monday, March 5, 2012

kickstart for study week

A way to start up my study week is to have fun fun and study2. for the fun part , CUS group went for a picnic at bukit ayer. it was our tradition to run a bbq session every semester and for this semester , it turn out to be picnic moment and it goes way up so fun. Things turn out different this sem as we usually did it at the church hall. the food , a very big thanks to sofea jane and jac for dealing up with those wonderful delicious mee hun hun hun hun with the add on of porky and sausages. for the bbq crew , the meat was yummy and delicioussss to the maxxxxx. gila babeng kaw kaw punya. :D kudos to those who handle it. and as for vincent , the leader for part 1 , big thanks to him for bringing up the booze which got us all high up and started the real fun. :D Thank You Lord for the wonderful moment that we had , the gathering , the love , and the joyful family moment for us here in perlis as we going along with our studies.

The picnic that we had was awesome tagging along with the nature waterfalls which really gave us a big time swimming around and enjoy those moment of laughing of joy. it really bind us all together with all those team up work to run the show for the picnic. man , u guys are the best and thank you for everything. :D

with love , wishing all the best for everyone. peace. God Bless