Friday, May 4, 2012

back in those days..

When i think back about Arau , there was this time when i turn out to be real naughty. and it was freaking funny. There was a hair straightener which can act as a device to perm your hair. so what my friend did was perming his hair and try to look good in front of my lappy.

 Cyril : oh man , i freaking look good. the most handsome dude in the house

Cyril :  Oh crap , what the fcuk is that cecen doing back there.

 Cyril : shit , been taking all these photos and still he's not going away , he fucking ruin my photos.

 Cyril : hey Chen ... da heck , where the hell is he?

 Cyril : nahh. not out there. oh my. 

 Cyril : Damn. i bet he's gonna running around and tell everyone how silly i am camwhoring

Cyril : dang. where the hell is he! 

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