Friday, February 15, 2013

how we spend our time :D

when it comes to meet up. its very hard for us to make it. so pthe only way we can do which to communicate and see each other in the same time is through webcamming!! :D yay. i love u honey bee!!!!

and thats how we looks like in the real life net. how awesome is tht. :D

Monday, February 11, 2013

its good to be in the 90s

when i was drawing badman and junker, it reflects me on a movie of napoleon dynamite where he drew an animal of a mixture of tiger and lion which turns out to be liger. and how funny was that when i watched the movie back when i was a kid before. and it feels so good an hilarious with those nerdy moves of his dancing. which reminds me also of the software paint. this happened when ur parents got u a computer, i mean the big hard drive of computer with a low 512mb ram and huge monitors with a ball spherical mouse. thats where the internet has not yet mix around with our life and all we did was playing with the solitaire games and paint software to create our own wallpaper. :D and how cool is tht to do it again here by reviving badman and junker. HAHAHAHA. :D

What's a liger
 its pretty much my favorite animal. it's like a lion and a tiger mixed. bred for its sills in magic -napoleon dynamite-

miss those sweet moments being in the 90s. memories and such. playing around the neighbourhood, riding my bike around the park with my bros where mine still a tricycle, and got some scars from football matches with the other kids. what a life we had back then when the time strikes at 5 , its time to go out and get ourselves sweaty. ohhh yess :D


everything i switch on my lappy, click on my winamp, the very first song that i would listen is sigur ros - hoppipolla. i aint got much words to describe this song cause it sounds too effing perfect for me. really enjoy it and calms me down. really soothing. shit.

the bomb!

a little things i wanna say abt my gf

i seriously don't really know what to blog about because it's a festive season of chinese new year, and im sitting at home all day long doing nothing for these past 2 days. and it's freaking boring. what do i got is my long distance gf who live at serian , and lappy. these 2 nang cukup edi to fill up the joy in my life.

what can i say abt my gf? lots of things to say actually. but first , introduction abt this post is that little missy sarah is a girl which gives everything to me to make things happen in between us. and that is why im so in love with her. i appreciate everything tht she had done for bringing things up and down in our relationship because it shows that how important this relationship to me. :( i dont wanna lose this shit. really dont wanna. if u ask badman and junker , they both agree that we both are mean for each other. me and sarah of course. not these 2 fat ass. hahaha. :D

so yeah , its been almost 11 months of relationship and we're gonna reach up to a year by the 14th of March this year. and thats a cool thing for us both. i know she's gonna be so happy and so joyful there. kept on nagging me this morning for waking up late and start off a conversation with a big hit news which occur in facebook and things are sooooo shining like a diamond. and sarah kept on nagging me for saying such annoying statement or phrases on and on. i know it annoys her but .. i can't help it. im sorry. :(

and yes, its been a greattt 11 months with uuuuuuuuuuuuu babyyyy!!! and it wont stopppp. don't u worry k. reduce the madness ya cause things might gonna get messy and spill. hihihi.

again and again

its so frustrating to met someone u don't know and yet they know you where they thought that im my younger brother. do we both look alike? i dont think so fellassss.. u guys out there gotta make it right where both of us are not twins or siamese twins. get it. sigh. to all my lil bro's fren who mistaken me for my lil brother , there're 2 words for ya, FUCK OFF!!!

the new layout!

and if u notice, the new layout that i just did which i drew myself has come to it's final stage which is completed! haha. yay! thx to my baby saaraahhh for reminding and requesting me to change the layout where the old ones was just.. urrghhh.. hahahaha.

:D so  yeah. called it badman and junker. both being fatty and lazy. hell yeah!.

chinese new year

a very blessed and happy chinese new year to those celebrating! :D

Friday, February 8, 2013

a quick repost from piliz. :D

Photo 1 ; the prim and proper Chen.
Photo 2 ; i hate my hair eh, sucks da juak.
Photo 3 ; oh you're still taking up photos?
Photo 4 ; arrrrrrrr~
Photo 5 ; still taking photos? NGEEEE!
Photo 6 ; ahhh baby, enough lah!
Photo 7; nah i give you a big punch! ee! 
what happened on Monday? well, Love and Happiness :)

lil missy sarah. plz dont be mad

The girl of mine life is there for meeeeeeeeeeeeee. reach here in Kch and the first person that i really really wanted to meet back then was my lil bossy princess madly psycho maniac sarahhhhh!!! ahhh.. she's sooo super cool to be with. imagine what did she got me for my gift. a freaking beatles bag. who the fuck would go do those shitty things and give u a bag branded printed by the beatles. fuck it. AHH. im so madly in love with her.

so , what the hell am i talking around here. lets get to the point. reality i mean. it doesn't mean that when people see how great we're going and make it this far doesn't mean that everything turn out to be perfect. HELL NO. things didn't pop up and turn out to be perfect just like that. i wish things would be that way but hell no. NAH AHH. well there were things where we were in a down side of position of our relationship and boy i tell u , it was MAD. freaking SHIT BULL CRAPPING ASDGHHJKL. caught up a fight or disagreement with this sarah is not a good thing to do. the very last thing you would do before u die i tell ya.

whenever she speaks, everything she wanted to say will burst out to your face. that happened to me once. i don't really wanna talk about it but who gives a shit, the point is , being a man , its OK to do mistakes. or whatever shit that pissed her off. just tell you're sorry and take the blame. cause that what i do. we don't argue and fight over girls. if u want her to win , let her win. win her heart, don't win the argument. and that's how i solve things out with her. although she's wrong , or whatever in my point of view, its ok to let her to be in the winning side. and i love her soooooooo soooooo much that i don't even think of letting her go for a single sec.

we had a date out the other day. and it was fun. and tiring as well. drove all the way back and forth from kch to serian. and all those driving were worth it. nang cunnnn abisss.. dated as being a real couple for the first time ever. nang never ever all these while. cause of things which we can't solve it YET. but things would be OK in the future. promise u that. :D well , she's cute, pretty, with the new hairstyle and all. her cute little laughter and such. it was just awesome and made my day. each and every single day would be nice if she's there by my side. but that's not gonna happen now. not nw. perhaps in the future. we'll see. :D

and i love her so eh.
and i can't wait to see her again.

sigh. :(

here we go again!

God, family, friends and everyone, thank you for being there for me the whole time. whenever im in need, there will always be you to back me up in whatever situation when im in need. and im so glad that i have such a wonderful people around me that keep on goin on and on being there for me. thanks everyone. :D

welcome to the family

As it goes on and on with music, things started to get heat up with my personal gadgets of guitar effects and another new born guitar. :D

to kick up start for this year's revolution of 2013, i got 2 new members to the family. first of all, my newly boss me-50! woohoo. i bet some of u don't really know how cool this thing is but to tell you the truth , it really does sound great. thanks to my Bro Dani for helping me out to get a dealer which gives out a cheap price on this shit. really worth it and the sound tht produce from it was just unbelievable. delay, modulator nang tip top. steady habis. serious shit fellassss!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...

newly born boss me-50.

The story doesn't really ends here. the next member of the family is my newly guitarrrrr Jack n Danny!! HAHA. cool hipster brand eh. but the body doesn't really tell how sucky and how awful it will cost the quality to be. The real thing about this guitar is that the pick up and wiring of the guitar had been change and it sounds super awesome. smooth , nice soft and thick sound of plucking. suits to play indie rock , slow drive , and such. so yeah. awesome! :D 

i just feel like wanna dive in jak.

this is the bomb!

its been so long. hello 2013!

Its been so fucking long i didn't update my blog. so here it goes. the very first post for this year 2013. where things went up shitty for the year end of 2012 where the apocalypse were predicted to be on the 21st of December 2012. but nahh. just another big fat ugly prediction by humans who trying to act smart and making things to be in a huge manic panic situation. :D

anyway enough said about all those crap. shitty things happens when i was in Penang for my degree. OH YA. im a degree student now. just graduated my diploma back in Arau and i'm so glad that i made it. Thank You Lord Jesus. For everything you've done for me.

So here i am in 2013 , dealing with things which comes all the way round again and again like the usual years. there aint got any much difference anyway for this year. its just tht things are going so great between me and Sarah. just tht somethings i tend out to be a jerk and made her mad like fuck. super fucked up mind blowing i tell ya. but what the hell , we both still standing strong and make it this far. and still on goin. and who gives a hell about us. we aint care abt any shits. :D we just love each other. tht matters the most. :D

Fucking sad as the new year might be fucking scary as it looks like. THE YEAR OF THE SNAKE. sarah's year. everyhing is all abt her this year. A MUST. nuff said.