Wednesday, March 19, 2014

2014 chinese new yeah

Chinese new year. the celebration where the Chinese having their happiness and joyful time with friends and family. During this 2014 chinese new year. i didnt really go for visiting. I only manage to go for a friend's house who happen to be my girlfriend's friend as well. Meaning to say our friend. in an easy way to say things. Oh yeah. about the visiting. Conversation were being made in wishing each other happy chinese new year and laughter. How things are and how do you do. She's a cool person who laugh and happy when we're around. Jokes were being made and we all share the laughter of enjoyment in our hearts. The lil dude who plays plasticine with me really loves to show his superior art of work in designing zombies and how wonderful and creative his ideas in making whats he sees where he is playing plant vs zombie. A very good job there boy. So by the end of the day, everything turns out to be fun and we can feel how bliss and joyful of such a wonderful family of bb and darren. Thanks guys for everything. and we wont forget or delete the your name in my heart's contact list. cheers.

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