Wednesday, March 19, 2014


The last semester break which was on February, a loving good friend of mine Ikhwan coming over to Kuching just to enjoy the culture and nature of Sarawak. Visiting the old James Brooke's palace which turn out to be a historical place blow out his mind on how cool and superb by the culture of sarawakians. From the ibans bidayuh and more, things which usually not being seen are there to be seen. That is what Kuching visit is all about. Nature which is being maintain and protected from any modernization, are there for us to bring back all those memories of our ancestor. A short trip to kuching which last 3 days 2 nights was well spent as we venture ourselves to some fairy caves and wind caves. The dark and bat roaming around was a well good experience for us to expose ourselves in the situation where lights is being no longer available for our vision. Using artificial lights by electronic torch and phones, the pathway are good enough for us to roam in the cave. A good memorable experience us to explore the mystery within a dark caves and it makes us to feel like batman's cave.

With a low and tight budget, things can go easy at Kuching. places where nature are there for us to experience really makes me proud of my own place as visitors can explore more the unmodernize condition. 

Apart from that, we also went to the place where its a must for me to go to every semester break which is sungai rayu. a small rocky stream where we can experience the chill of the running water. its clean and makes it easier for a swim. Although iam not a swimmer, but the enjoyment being in a running water stream gives me a good work out of my whole body. I dont need to go to the gym or any running tracks as i can just pretend iam a swimmer and moves my whole body parts in struggling being a swimmer. and that's what i like about it. further swimming ability will be mastered by proper training in future progress. which. i . must. 

Experience. that matters. friendship is not easy to get. trust and loyalty. enjoyment. must be in the top list of any activities. and most of all, love. love among God, family and friends. 

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