Monday, November 7, 2011

its all about curry

a very weird thing about me today is i kept on hearing things about curry and i don't know why. everything which sounds like curry , it turn out to be curry in my head. and i absolutely DONT KNOW FUCKING WHY? hahahahahah

maybe its been so long since i haven't have one. maybe. so yeah. jason was talking about something which the word kenari pop out and i was like "what the fuck does it have to do with CURRY?" and it all got messed up. and things end up with laughter. :D

another thing that started it was berdikari. and what the hell did i heard it curry. man , i aint that high today or something. but hell yeah, it's just something lame and boring to share out in this lame blog. Anyway , talking about a boring day *referring to my previous post* , my day end up to be fun. how cool is that? KAN!!

so yeah , chilling , drinking session as in not boozing, really made my day. instead of sitting in front of my lappy all day long , come on chen , its holiday , and i gotta troll someone out. :D so that's all about my day. a boring lammy day. crap. :D but yeah , had fun tho although its lame.


  1. neda bulak. skati jak. :D MWHAHAHAHAHA. BLA LEPAK GIK? lawa la

  2. berani kau madah aku lawa cen.. aku ajak lepak malam tok, sapala lawaaaa kinektok? cuba kau mdh lok.. BANTEEEEE KELAKKKK!!!!

  3. ko ajak lambat gilak. ney ndak. mamber ku ajak awal ptg tek. haiya. xhal. esok ada. :D boh manas
