Tuesday, November 22, 2011

my time table for sem 6

So yeah , finally my time table for my semester 6 is done! hahah finally. thank God and everyone that help me out through it. :D things would b easy for sticking on Group L as usual from semester 2 till now. and hopefully i can make it out this semester passing all the grades with flying colours. who doesnt? hahah . gonna graduate then continue my degree.

For degree , continuing my civil in maintenance would b at penang but for construction and design would b at shah alam. so either 1 , i am gonna choose one and i can't make up my mind yet. :D haha we'll see how it goes aite.

:Dwoohoo. trully happy . :D

Saturday, November 19, 2011

OH hell they're Hot!

Damn they're hot. with the music , voice , melody and lyrics. steady

am sorry

For all my friends out there who wishes to chill out with me at kuching , and didn't make it in time , i am feeling trully sorry for didn't make it happen. Really Really Am baby! :D it's not like i dont want to , but yeah , turn out to be lots of  troubles around with trans , cash , availibility and everything. so yahhhhhhhhh . the good news is , i'll be back to kuching for Christmas. WOOHOO! :D

Christmas baby , i can't waittttt for it! ohhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhh

Thursday, November 17, 2011


The sucky things is that i'll be trully missss all the good good food that can be found in kuching. DAMN kuching , the food is so dili cia so. Here i am at perlis and today's my first day here sinceeeeeeee the last semester. things turn out to be well OK for the house and everything. so yeah , hope it's gonna be like this way throughout the whole semester. THE LAST SEMESTER baby. hopefully. with God's guidance , am gonna do it right and give out my best in it. everything that's been through in kuching gonna be there at kuching. the fun the joyment , entertainment and everything , gonna make it happen here too. Just like to let you know , if you're in a boring situation , am gonna make it fun and all. :D so yeah . kuching , when it comes with the food , one thing pop in my mind is is is kolo mee! oh yeah man. kolo mee, trully legend. and it can be found anywhere at random chinese stalls. *which is non-halal*. Serious shit mannnnnnnn, the foodd in kuching , there's no other better ones. oh crap. am missing the smell and the tasty of it. kolok kolok kolok kolok. nang steady pok! HARUS eh for everyone to try out kolok mee. Besides that , it's worth it to order the special kolok mee in RED where the taukey usually ask "merah ka?" ahahaha.

 Joli bee kolo mee merah with perut babi add on RM4 *serve with crab soup*

Another thing which i'm gonna miss is butterpork kede gangster. nangggg harussss butterpork. semestinya. it's fried pork in butter serve with rice and chili kicap. apoooooooo. it completes everything for me with a teh o peng tagging along. serious shit. the juicy sweet butterpork taste so DAMN gud. the ones in kede gangster la i mean. altho it cost a lil bit too much which is Rm5.50 but who cares man. when it comes to pork , its really worth of buying. PORK man!! THE BEST mean ever. eva eva eva evaaaa for evaaa.

 Butter pork kede gangster RM5.50

So yeah , it's just not kolo mee and butter im gonna miss. there's lotsss of other food as well which it's a must for me tot take whenever im around kuching. They're laksa , kueh chap , cha kueh, butter prawn , butter chicken , pork satay , ba ku teh and gosh. MORE MORE MORE. :D

so yeah , If im around in kuching , apa gik , kasi spon please. :D

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


have u ever feel like u're in a deep shit situation and all the feelings being all fcuked up? well i think that's what i am feeling rite now. i dont even know why or what cause it but maybe it's because of flying off to perlis and i am soo sooo sooo gonna miss kuching especially being along with my frens and family. or maybe some other case. i dont know. u guess. :D  Gosh. this is gonna be sick. epic sick. but yeah , what to do , i gotta deal with it. its gonna be my last sem. so yeah. today's word for me , is shitness. SHITNESS. shittness. SHITNESS. is it a word? who cares. SHITNESS



oh hell. enuf said.

brilliant from sheila on 7. :D

kuawali hariku dengan mendoakanmu
agar kau selalu sehat dan bahagia di sana
sebelum kau melupakanku lebih jauh
sebelum kau meninggalkanku lebih jauh

ku tak pernah berharap kau kan merindukan keberadaanku
yang menyedihkan ini
ku hanya ingin bila kau melihatku kapanpun dimanapun
hatimu kan berkata seperti ini

pria inilah yang jatuh hati padamu
pria inilah yang kan selalu memujamu
begitu para rapper coba menghiburku

aku lah orang yang selalu menaruh bunga dan menuliskan cinta di atas meja kerjamu
aku lah orang yang kan selalu mengawasimu
menikmati indahmu dari sisi gelapku

dan biarkan aku jadi pemujamu
jangan pernah hiraukan perasaan hatiku
tenanglah tenang pujaan hatiku sayang
aku takkan sampai hati bila menyentuhmu

* mungkin kau takkan pernah tahu
betapa mudahnya kau untuk dikagumi
mungkin kau takkan pernah sadar
betapa mudahnya kau untuk dicintai

aku lah orang yang akan selalu memujamu
aku lah orang yang akan selalu mengintaimu
aku lah orang yang akan selalu memujamu
aku lah orang yang akan selalu mengintaimu

repeat *

  karena hanya dengan perasaan rinduku yang dalam padamu 
  ku pertahankan hidup
  maka hanya dengan jejak-jejak hatimu
  ada artiku telusuri hidup ini
  selamanya hanya ku bisa memujamu
  selamanya hanya ku bisa merindukanmu

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Girl Friday

i wish i can have my own girl friday. HAHA. so yeah, here is an one lame old video of mine where we play girl friday. anyway it's lameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i know and im surrayyy that i sux at guitar. am still learning. :D huu huuu

Soon enuf. darn it

Shit man, the day for me getting my ass out from kuching is getting nearer and nearer. and I am sure im gonna be a total one ass emo freak. Imagine leaving behind all those guuudd guuddd food , and everything. friends and the enjoyment. DAMN. its gonna be so depressing. serious shit. but anyway , its gonna be the last semester for my diploma and i hope and pray to God that im gonna make it to the end and graduate in time. :D praise the Lord Jesus Christ Amen. hahahahah

Anyway , today's Wednesday and i wish i can spend my time more with my family and friends. :D well yeah , the check list that me and alan is doing is still ON. i guess. but what the hell with it, as long as we're enjoying ourselves this holiday, i guess it's good enuf for both of us. About my holiday, well it seems like im having fun every single day of it makin things fun for myself. well in fact , i really can't wait for the nex holiday to start which is on christmas where im gonna be back for a week. so kuchingggggggggggg peeepppssssss do prepare up for the come back kid. :D oh yeah. :D peace out.

Friday, November 11, 2011

it's OK

finally , the tee that we had put lots of effort on it is now on us! OH YEAH! how cool is that? 

it's not OK! 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

walls magnum chocolate ice cream.

The day was freaking hot and yeahhhhhhh me and J was looking for a way to cool ourselves down. so we decided to curi air-con at spring. apakah curi air-con. like engkah lam baju , n then chow embak lari. haha.. apakah? hahaha. so we went there chill around and feel the coolness air. it was awesome for a hot sunny day. then to cooler down our body more , we got ourselves walls magnum chocolate ice-cream. it was niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

me : J? ice cream pa tok?
j : tok lah ice cream style. nyaman gila dow. try gak
me : worait. style laaaaa

 and then i took a bite and

me : yoobeh nyaman eh. gila. stud ku makan. MWAHAHAH
j : hahahah cilaka. HAHAHA.

so yeah, the creamy feeling of the chocolate flavour went down my throat and it was so epic awesome. seriously guys. walls magnum ice-cream. daa best. takiong spring. woohoo! :D 

terbaik punya magnum. kasi 4D klak.


the hell am i thinking now?

It's ok tee

So , another boring day again we're having. to get rid of the boredom, we decided to do something really really offside which is making our own t-shirt. Like why? i dont know. for fun. :D well the idea was actually brought up by J long before when we created it's OK. so yeah we did it because it's a thing that we never ever try before. so for a start , we kick it in with a new blank tee and stuffs. the idea came in when i watch this movie on hbo where it's a movie about a band where they used blank tee and spray it out on stencils. so yeah it turn out to be superbly nice and it came in to my mind  , why the hell i can't do it if it looks that easy and nice? KAN? apalahhhhhhhhhhhh. anyway , so yeah , we decided to do it for "it's OK" and it turn out be OK. the hell? hahaha.

Chill with his artwork gorilla. mad mad gorilla.

 sexy J with shirt off. oh hell yeah. it's ok

materials that we got for out experiment ...
  • blank tee (mine white)
  • hard paper
  • black dye
  • red spray
  • red marker pen for fabric
At first i was having a thought that it's gonna be not that nice as expected because the way that we did it was not that simple. it looks really easy with the cutting and stuffs but actually it's not. it really needs patient and hard work which really drove us crazzzyyyyyyy and hell , spoil up the mood when it turn out shitty and not expected to be. oh well , let it be. the design that i did was a picture of a frog which i totally really into because of kernit the frog from sesame street. but of course , i didn't drew up kernet cause i really got to do it on my own for my design. xda mok pozer2. serious tok. :D HAHAHA

It took me few days to finish up the whole design because the first phase was the outline where i need to dry it up for the next design which i added. the dry up took the whole day as the dye was really thick and would fade off when u wash it up. so yeah , finally on the 3rd day , which is today , i had everything done except for some touch up which im gonna deal with it soon enough. but 2morrow , the shirt is gonna be put on. OH YEAH! it's ok

my half done froggy. it's ok

hot sunny day

It's warm , sunny , bright and freaking hot today. it's like the hottestttt dayyy ever. Like whyyyy sun , being mean to us today. anyway, the plan was suppose to head to tengiling which actually called in'sil at matang for a swim and picnic. but it seems like the plan didn't work out because of some probs which relate to some personal prob and at the end , we turn out to be at semoba for fishing!

the best thing about semoba is that whenever we are there for fishing , we always got at least a single fish keli or patin. because it was so easy measy relaxing for them to eat up our secret bait. thx to jno who added up a secret ingredient into the bait. anyway , crappy things didn't work out like before and i have no idea.

The day was hot , and we didn't end up for a single fish. dang it was frustrating. but what the hell , even the thrill to reel up the rod was not there for us to enjoy. so yeah , what the hell. disappointed. anyway , the day end up with scary wind blowing which really shooked down all the tress around till one of the phone poles went down and block some of the b.kawa road. so yeah. the day end up cool wind blowing and raining. :D oh well. what a day. dang semoba. fish , pleaseeeeeeeeee.

semoba fish 1 - 0 jno, me , chill

sad emo Tan Sri



BABY I like it. aaa aaaa i like it.

nonsense. bullshit. and crappy things we did when we're bored. DAMN


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

it's tuesday. Wrestling. :D

A simple Tuesday like usual just that i wanna talk a lil bitttt about my tuesday. Today. i mean , there's nothing special going on but yeah , TIRED. dang. woke up in the morning for laksa breakfast tepi sin teck. NANG STEADY. and then followed by the hair cut which totally turn me into something else, -according to my mom- and my dad was like -why look like that? doik roti-. and yeah , done with the hair cut , there's a shirt designing for it's OK at j's place.

the design that i made was a frog, which frens of mine relates me to which i don't know why. but hell yeah , froggy turn out cool for a tee which i made. and i can't wait for the 2nd stage of it. dang. done with the outline and the tag "it's OK" and it totally looks awesome! got me , AWESOME. hell tiring of a day. :D

oh hell yeah , tuesday doesn't just end here , well , besides all those crappy stuffs , i finally got my guitar which totally look brandnew. xda pa , just polist and restring jak bah! HAHAHA.

and why the heck the topic for this post is abt wrestling which i didn't mention it here? well it's because there's wrestling on tuesday night on channel 811. watch it. :D COOLIE muscular guys in undie wrestle themselves all around. :D oh yeah............... heck

Monday, November 7, 2011

dear new hair

So today is the day that we all got our hair cut. well it actually was planed to get it way before today , but then things got delayed and everything . so yeah. thx to churchill who delayed things so badly. hahaha. finally the new short hair is here. yay. my head feelssss so light and different. and i kinda looks like a retard! shit. maybe this haircut doesn't suit the shape of my head.

but what the hell , ain't give a shit about it. doesn't matter how ugly or what looks im having now , i am still gonna smile around like there's nothing to worry about. CRAP. :D

i mean , why do we have to look good anyway? kan? look good in the outside and shitty in the inside doesn't prove anything. so yeah. it's cool this way. i guess. well yeah. HELL YEAH. :D


its all about curry

a very weird thing about me today is i kept on hearing things about curry and i don't know why. everything which sounds like curry , it turn out to be curry in my head. and i absolutely DONT KNOW FUCKING WHY? hahahahahah

maybe its been so long since i haven't have one. maybe. so yeah. jason was talking about something which the word kenari pop out and i was like "what the fuck does it have to do with CURRY?" and it all got messed up. and things end up with laughter. :D

another thing that started it was berdikari. and what the hell did i heard it curry. man , i aint that high today or something. but hell yeah, it's just something lame and boring to share out in this lame blog. Anyway , talking about a boring day *referring to my previous post* , my day end up to be fun. how cool is that? KAN!!

so yeah , chilling , drinking session as in not boozing, really made my day. instead of sitting in front of my lappy all day long , come on chen , its holiday , and i gotta troll someone out. :D so that's all about my day. a boring lammy day. crap. :D but yeah , had fun tho although its lame.


The boredom is killing me! ah crap. :( so now what am i going to do? been on9 like for the whole day , and its killing me. shit. crap. fuck. whenever i got my ass online , there aint got any notification or what for me. how sad is that. maybe this poor cecen still being lame and sucky like before till now. never ever change and gain the coolest. i wonder when. :D

but anyway , crap , i love myself for being myself. unlike some psychopath who added me up in fb and giving me like for some status and when i go and check her profile our. it turn out to be all korean artistes photos in her album. HOW UNCOOL IS THAT? fuck. ANYWAY , the point is , if a person doesn't want to be herself/himself as in how cool or uncool he/she is , then why create fb and beinggggggggggggg some random psycho? MY GOD. things are getting more and more complicated. so yeah , this is a new crap im sharing out. and shit, it aint cool. :D

it SUPPOSE TO BE A BOREDOME POSTTTTTTTT and how the hell this person pop up here being korean and shit. aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh.

but then what the hell , i got cool frens around to hook up with. aint gonna be sad. whenever im having a bad day , im gonna make it a good day. having lame day , tryyy to make it a cool day. boring day? guess what , gonna make it a fun day for me 2nite. :


All out of sudden , i suddenly turn out to be a fan of boxing. and its not because of reel steel. SERIOUS SHIT IT AIN'T GOT ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT.

It all started when i was browsing for this lil man called manny pacquiao who is from philippines. The lil man categorize in the light weight and now a champion for 50+ wins 3 lost 2 draws and 30+s KOS. beat that? HAHA being an asian , i really am proud to be one because of him.

:D and the 3rd fight agains juan marquez, he's gonna beat the crap out of him on the 12nov2011 pay per view HBO boxing sports. :D



Sunday, November 6, 2011

for today's music

For today's music , i have been keep on listening to this band Eisley which totally epic cool. :D u heard me. awesome! :D

not just the because the sisters are hot , which they actually are. hotness! but then instead , the music , tunes , lyrics and everything are just perfect. really muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh like them. shit. so yeah. its just music which really keep on playing in my playlist this one whole day. :D

the new latest album the valley , really sounds a lot different than the previous album. it turn out to be a lil bit more sentimental , relax , and gosh , there aint not other words to express it. they're awesome. :D